Digestible, free of dust hay for horse’s maintenance diet

Dehydrated Italian ryegrass, selected and dust-free.

18 kg small bales packed in recyclable plastic

Fibre lenght: 3 – 10 cm


Product informations

Ryestar Hay is sustainably produced by Gruppo Carli from native Mediterranean grasses growing in the hills of the Italian region of Emilia Romagna, characterized by optimal soil and climate conditions for growing forage suitable to equids.

Ryestar Hay consists in first-cut forage from pastures of mixed grasses/legumes (Gramineae: Phleum pratense, Lolium italicum, Lolium perenne, Poa pratensis, Dactylis glomerata, Bromus inermis, Bromus catharticus and Leguminosae: Medicago sativa) selected, naturally wilted or high-temperature de-hydrated, cleared of dust and packed in sealed airtight small-sized bales.

Ryestar Hay is the ideal forage basis of a balanced diet for horses and other equids thanks to:

  • Its high level of cellulose.
  • Its substantial content of crude protein and lysine (essential amino acid).
  • Its low levels of starch and sugar (below 12%).
  • Its proper Calcium to Phosphorus ratio.
  • Its high energy content compared to other roughage.

It retains the typical fragrance and color of recently harvested forage.

Instructions for use

Ryestar Hay’s main application is for the maintenance of all horses.

The high levels of slowly fermentable fibre suits well the natural ability of equids to source energy from roughage.

Thanks to its low content of NSC (non-structural carbohydrates) it is the first-choice feed for horses and ponies prone to carbohydrates-associated disorders (laminitis, colic, equine metabolic syndrome, equine Cushing/PPID, chronic diarrhoea, and gastric ulcers) or already suffering of such conditions.

One pallet of Ryestar Hay provides the feeding of a 500 kilos horse over a period of 10-15 weeks.

Minimum of 2 kg of Ryestar Hay per kg 100 of body weight i.e. 10 kilos or more per day for a kg 500 horse.

In order to provide additional protein and energy intake, supplementing Ryestar Hay with Carli Alfalfa and/or Carli Wafer and to supply quality lipid/starchy concentrates is recommended.



Suitable for

Nutritional facts

Typical Analysis (% on dry matter)
Moisture 6
Digestible Energy (ED) 2.01 MCal/kg
Protein 9.8
Lysine 0.34
Cellulose 36.6
Lignin 6.2
ADF 42.8
NDF 60
Starch 1.8
Fat 1.5
Ash 8.9
Calcium 0.78
Phosphorus 0.22
Magnesium 0.17
Potassium 2.20
Sodium 0.066
Chlorine 0.68
Sulphur 0.15


18 kg bales packed in recyclable plastic, pre-cut in 4 slices and delivered on pallets of 48 bales.

Bales dimensions: cm 30 X 60 H 30
Pallet dimensions: cm 125 X 100 H 255


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