Gruppo Carli will attend Fieravicola Poultry Forum & B2B, from 4 to 6 May at Rimini Expo Centre.
The event, held simultaneously with Macfrut, is an opportunity for Italian and international poultry industry stakeholders to meet and discuss common interest matters, as production and consumption analysis, international market forecasts, research and innovation, dialogue with institutions, animal welfare and sustainability.
The last two topics are particularly connected to Gruppo Carli activity, which provides the poultry sector with a complete range of agricultural raw materials and products for animal nutrition and welfare, entirely produced in Italy.
At its location in the sponsors area, Gruppo Carli will showcase the straw bedding range, that ensures maximum comfort to the animals and maximum respect the environment. In fact, Gruppo Carli beddings are made entirely of straw coming only from cereals grown in Italy, mechanically processed without additives and once exhausted they can be used as fertilizer on the fields.
Gruppo Carli is hitghly interested to the conference program, attended by speakers of international importance in the poultry farming and rabbit farming sectors.
Click on this link to attend Fieravicola Poultry Forum & B2B, free of charge after registration.